Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Blog Reinvigorated

I love genealogy. I love tracing people and tracking down sources to prove what I've found. It's detective work, history, geography and economics all mixed up together.

It is impossible to describe the feeling I get when I solve a mystery, like why I can't find Thomas Norris in any Virginia census when his grave is in Culpepper, Virginia? (See this post.) Or why can't I find Rufus Buchanan McClelland in the 1880 census? (Answer here..)

The thrill of the hunt is very real if you have the genealogy bug. It may be hereditary. It jumps around in families. Mom had it. Grandmother Watson and her sister had it. Grandfather Watson's sister had it, and so did both his parents. So far neither of my children has been bitten, but they have time to catch it.

The best part about genealogy is everywhere one looks there are stories. Stories too good to keep to myself. Good stories always have to be shared.

That's why I started this blog, to have a place to put those stories.

That's why I'm picking it up again. This time, however, I'm going to concentrate on stories about my children's ancestors. There are too many good stories and they need to know them.

Because the world is an interesting place right now, I will adopt an 18th century convention, and refer to living people by their first initial filled by dashes. Everyone who knows me will know who I mean. It shouldn't matter to the rest of you.

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